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NiaCan’s vision consists of brining all sorts of businesses from around the world to work together to maximize profitability as well as productivity. NiaCan recognizes that In today's global market, many different types of companies considering sourcing or selling their products overseas must evaluate many more options than in the past and process greater amounts of information in order to make decisions. On top of that cultural barriers and complex compliance initiatives make global trade even more of a challenge.

Our international trade consulting services extend beyond mitigating risk to develop a comprehensive understanding of the compliance initiatives impacting your business. We provide our clients with customized assessments regarding complex compliance and administrative issues facing global companies. The result is often a competitive trade advantage for our customers due to the ability to quickly adapt to new requirements imposed by governmental authorities.

NiaCan can guarantee that our experience and customs-specific knowledge can help you and your business mitigate risk by developing a solid understanding of the international trade issues that may impact your business. We will analyze your company’s current trade practices and identify opportunities and risks in different areas. 

Cost effective. Fast. Reliable.

Commodity Trade

NiaCan has specializes in many different types of commodity trade which involves the actual physical product or the "cash" market which includes managing the relationship between the buyer and the seller. 

Trade Consulting

NiaCan is famous of its comprehensive method of assessing different area of market and providing a tailored solution for each customer. 

Trade Management

For more than 20 years, NiaCan personnel have been involved in large-scale trade projects whose size, scope or volumes demand specialized handling and dedicated attention. 

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